
IO1: Field Study Research State of the Art Report
The State of the Art Report is based on a comprehensive Field Study Research whose aim is to gather an ample evidence of the genuine needs and skills shortages of the involved target groups (migrants and local handcrafters) as well as their knowledge and skills related to the Handicraft sector that they are able to share and combine during the Local Workshops. The Research sets the ground for and framework to establish the proper development of the target groups’ learning path, considering both the skills shortages and those that need to be improved.

IO2: My HandScraft e-Learning platform
This interactive platform will be shaped as an online learning management system facilitating access for the target group of Adult Educators and Adult learners to the developed Open Educational Resources (OER). The My HandScraft collaborative e-learning platform will incorporate the following components:
- E-education Programme (O3)
- Handbook for Adult Educators (O4)
- Digital Guide for handcrafters (O5)
- Participant PORTFOLIOS
- Interactive platform of communication
- Regular updates with articles, photos, videos of the Local Workshops (and of other key project activities)
- My HandScraft Film

IO3: E-educational Programme (EEP)
The EEP is an education and training programme aiming at
- improving the basic skills and key competences of migrants, and their up-skilling and re-skilling in the realms of handicraft, culture and arts by involving also local handcrafters
- providing adult educators with an innovative method – educational approach that uses arts and culture as a mean to reach learners’ learning objectives
- boosting cooperation and networking among and between local handcrafters, artists, migrants and refugees
The EEP will encompass 3 training packages (TPs):
- Enhance Basic Skills, Key Competences, Social Integration and Cohesion towards non-formal education & intangible heritage transmission
- Facilitate the exchange of knowledge and skills related to handicraft traditions, with reference to different technics, products, materials and working procedures
- Promote entrepreneurial initiative towards economic integration

IO4: Handbook for Adult Educators
Handbook for Adult Educators aims to provide a strong support for educational staff working with migrants, refugees and asylum seekers. The Handbook will be user-friendly, strictly based on the practical experience of the Local Workshops’ implementation and structured as a practical tool to be easily embedded in the educator’s daily work, helping them also acquire new means to better track and monitor the progress of adult learners.

IO5: Digital Guide for Handcrafter
The Digital Guide for handcrafters aims to encompass the cultural diversity, brought by migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers and their cultural heritages and route it towards inter-cultural dialogue and cross-cultural learning with the host society. Through the innovative methodology of the digital storytelling, the migrant adult learners participating to the local workshops in cooperation with the local handcrafters will be supported in sharing their stories throughout their experience along the project activities. The tangible outcome will be a digital guide addressed to both local and migrant handcrafters &/or would-be handcrafters to stimulate and inspire them to exploit their skills or to develop new ones.

Participants’ portfolios
The participants’ portfolios were created by migrant and local handcrafters involved in the MyHandScraft local workshops (part of IO3 – E-Educational programme) across the 5 involved partner countries. More specifically, they were developed by the participants who wished to showcase their work through the MyHandScraft E-Learning Platform, in order to boost their visibility and opportunities for networking and job-matching beyond the project’s duration. Thus, the portfolios are a tool facilitating the promotion of the participants’ professional profiles, key competences and skills. The portfolios have been personalised by each participant based on their artistic roots and current inspirations.
MyHandScraft Film
The MyHandScraft Film was originally supposed to be developed as a final video showing the best moments of the MyHandScraft International Festival in Lithuania. Due to the pandemic, the festival had to be held in virtual modality, therefore the partners jointly reflected on an alternative way to deliver the film: through the video material from the MyHandScraft Festivals organised in each partner country in June 2021, and the testimonies from the project’s staff, the MyHandScraft Film will represent a precious tool to disseminate the project experience among the public.