My HandScraft Festivals in the UK
Like all good things, after 30 months, the project My HandScraft is coming to an end. To celebrate the project's achievements and present its outcomes, DCVS staff organised a series of smaller events. Together events attracted 25 participants, both local and migrant...
Handicraft as a tool for intercultural exchange: “MyHandScraft” at the final event of the “Recycle in Fashion” project
Wednesday, July 14th, CESIE presented the project MyHandScraft – Migrants’ Hands and Skills to Create a Future Track during the final event of the project Rinf - "Recycle in Fashion", funded by the Anna Lindh Foundation, aimed at easing the sharing of experiences and...
MyHandScraft Festival in Greece
On 19 June, Active Citizens Partnership held an event to present the results of the European project "MyHandScraft". The project started in 2018, with a duration of 30 months and is part of the Erasmus+ European Programmes for Adult Education. During the project,...
MyHandScraft Festival: exhibition of multicultural handicraft!
The MyHandScraft project, funded by the Erasmus + Key Action 2, Strategic Partnership for adult education, is coming to an end, and its last stages were celebrated during the final event held on Saturday the 26th of June at Al Fresco, in Palermo: the MyHandScraft...
MyHandScraft Festival in Cyprus
On Thursday, June 24, 2021, GrantXpert Consulting Ltd, a partner in the My HandScraft project, organised the final multiplier event of the project. The event was attended by 30 people, many of whom are engaged in handicrafts and arts. The participants were Cypriots...
MyHandScraft’s local workshops now completed in all partner countries
MyHandScraft’s local workshops have been completed in all partner countries: Italy, Greece, Lithuania, Cyprus and the United Kingdom. In each country, the training course saw the participation of local and migrant artisans from all over the world who actively...
MyHandScraft – Launch of the local workshops in partner countries
MyHandScraft’s Local Workshops have started in all partner countries. The sessions will apply the contents and methodologies described in the E-Educational Programme (EEP) developed by the MyHandScraft project to strengthen the skills of migrant and local...
An opportunity to share resources and success stories in the handicraft field: MyHandScraft Forum in Palermo
On September the 4th, the MyHandScraft Forum, first multiplier event organised in Italy within the project MyHandScraft – Migrants’ Hands and Skills to Create a Future Track, was held at Moltivolti, in Palermo. Originally scheduled for the end of February 2020, the...
Cultural heritage as an innovative tool of creative education: MyHandScraft training of trainers in Palermo
With a view to prepare partners’ trainers to deliver the MyHandScraft E-Educational Programme at local level with migrant and local handcrafters, a 6-day international training was arranged and hosted by CESIE in Palermo from 11th to 16th of November 2019. A total of...
MyHandScraft: mapping migrant and local handcrafters’ skills to develop a tailored educational programme
As a first step towards the design of a tailored e-educational programme able to encourage cultural and skills exchange between migrant and local handcrafters, the five partners of the MyHandScraft project (CESIE, Dacorum Council for Voluntary Service, GrantXpert...