MyHandScraft Festival in Cyprus

Jun 28, 2021News

On Thursday, June 24, 2021, GrantXpert Consulting Ltd, a partner in the My HandScraft project, organised the final multiplier event of the project. The event was attended by 30 people, many of whom are engaged in handicrafts and arts. The participants were Cypriots but also foreigners mainly from the Philippines, Iran and Africa.

The GrantXpert Project Officers of My HandScraft and the organisers of the event, Mrs. Stephani Theophanous and Dr. Celia Hadjichristodoulou presented the project and outputs,  and shared their experiences regarding the organisation and implementation of local workshops for Cypriots, migrants and refugees living in Cyprus and engaged in art. They expressed the satisfaction they received by meeting and helping these people, exchanging knowledge, techniques and methods in relation to the crafts they make, and helping them to develop their own successful business!

A very interesting and successful project is completed!