My HandScraft Festivals in the UK Like all good things, after 30 months, the project My HandScraft is coming to an end. To celebrate the project’s achievements and present its outcomes, DCVS staff organised a series of smaller events. Together events attracted...
L’artigianato come strumento di condivisione fra culture: “MyHandScraft” all’evento finale del progetto “Recycle in Fashion” Mercoledì 14 luglio il CESIE ha presentato il progetto MyHandScraft – Migrants’ Hands and Skills to Create a Future Track durante...
MyHandScraft Festival in Greece On 19 June, Active Citizens Partnership held an event to present the results of the European project „MyHandScraft“. The project started in 2018, with a duration of 30 months and is part of the Erasmus+ European Programmes for Adult...
Festival MyHandScraft: artigianato multiculturale in mostra! Il progetto MyHandScraft, finanziato dal programma Erasmus+ Azione Chiave 2 – Partenariati Strategici nel settore dell’educazione degli adulti, volge al termine e le ultime fasi del progetto sono state...
MyHandScraft Festival in Cyprus On Thursday, June 24, 2021, GrantXpert Consulting Ltd, a partner in the My HandScraft project, organised the final multiplier event of the project. The event was attended by 30 people, many of whom are engaged in handicrafts and arts....
Conclusi i workshop locali di MyHandScraft in tutti i paesi partner I workshop locali del progetto MyHandscraft si sono conclusi in tutti i paesi del partenariato: Italia, Grecia, Lituania, Cipro e Regno Unito. In 13 incontri per ogni paese, il percorso di formazione...
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